Affordable Appeal Lawyer
If you are dealing with an appeal in Toronto, you must have an appeal lawyer’s opinion. Only a lawyer will analyze your case and identify what the critical questions you can use in the appeal are. At Juzkiw Law, we have an experienced and affordable Appeal Lawyer that can help you deal with your case in Toronto. Contact us for more information.
Appeal in Toronto
Appeals are a legal procedure for reviewing a court’s decision. Different events can trigger an appeal; generally, the appeals refer to corporate reorganizations, commercial disputes, negligence claims, family disputes, property disputes, among others.
The right to file an appeal in Toronto is not an automatic right applicable in all cases. The appellant (that is, the person requesting the appeal) must first go to the appeals court to obtain authorization to appeal. You do not certainly need a lawyer to obtain permission to appeal. However, an appeal lawyer can help you understand your rights and guide you on the best way for your case.
Suppose you went to the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT), applied for authorization, and the Court authorized your appeal. In that case, it does not mean that you will have your rights guaranteed, because depending on your case, the result may be the reverse or alter the decision of the previous judge. Also, the judge may wish to order a new trial or hearing.
Even with all these possibilities, it is possible that one of the parties still disagrees with the decision of the new trial or hearing. So the party that opposes it can appeal to the Canadian Supreme Court.
Licence Appeal Tribunal
In Toronto, the LAT (Licence Appeal Court) can judge various areas, such as consumer protection, cases related to alcohol and gambling, home and car insurances, apprehending of vehicles, among other civilian occupations related to business law.
Despite being more common situations and easy to resolve, it is imperative that you consult a civil litigation lawyer to understand your rights and help you find the best defense for your case.
If you are dealing with a Licence Appeal Tribunal case, be sure to contact Juzkiw Law Firm and consult our affordable and appeal lawyer.
Hire an Affordable Appeal Lawyer in Toronto
At Juzkiw Law Firm, we have the experience to represent you at the Licence Appeal Tribunal. Call 416-221-221 or contact us by email ( for a free consultation.