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Demand Letter

Demand Letter Ontario

What is a Demand Letter?

Simply a letter where a party demands something from the opposing party.

Why send a Demand Letter?

More than 90% of Legal cases are resolved before trial by simply a strong demand letter. A Demand Letter simply increases the chances of gaining what you want without proceeding to court. On the other hand, you show the other party that you have retained counsel and are serious about enforcing your legal rights

Did you receive a Demand Letter?

Receiving a Demand Letter can be harsh and you may disagree with what’s being written about you on the Demand Letter. It is best to start preparing your defense by having a lawyer on your side to review the demand letter you received. Once the Demand Letter is carefully reviewed, it can have countered by a strong reply to prevent the other party from initiating a Lawsuit

Why Choose Juzkiw Law?

  • Effectiveness

A strong and effective Demand Letter from an experienced and reputable firm will make a great impact on the opposing party

  • Cover all possible plots

Juzkiw Law can quickly identify the arguments and related information to legally support your notice

  • Efficiency

Within 24 hours, Our Firm will send your demand letter for review and final approval before sending to the other party

  • Support Beyond your need

We offer a complete range of services to help you in further stages of your proceedings like negotiating further with the opposing party, etc.

How does it work?

Contact Juzkiw Law, fill out the contact us form and someone from our team will contact you shortly

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