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Medical Negligence

Medical Negligence

Doctors and nurses are responsible for carrying out their activities by fulfilling their duties to the best of their abilities. Unfortunately, not all doctors and nurses act in compliance with their obligations, and therefore some even commit medical negligence. Negligent situations caused by a doctor or nurse usually create additional complications for a patient. Also, they can cost money, time, and often even the patient’s life.

If you have been injured due to medical negligence and wish to appeal, you must have sufficient evidence to prove that you have been injured. This evidence includes:

  • Exchanges of emails;
  • Consultation receipts;
  • Medical prescriptions
  • Pictures of the accident are or injuries
  • Witness statements
  • Documents that prove loss of revenue due to negligence
  • Exams

In addition to these documents, our team can help you explore more options to prove the medical negligence you have suffered. Depending on the type of medical malpractice you have suffered, it can severely impact your life, so it is crucial to appeal for your rights.

At Juzkiw Law Firm, we have experienced to deal with medical negligence, call us, and schedule a free consultation – 647-699-7984.

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