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Charged with Assault Charges

Charged with Assault Charges

Assault Charges are considered to be any application of direct force or unwanted touch to another person. They also fit as assault charges, verbal attacks, when, for example, someone makes a threat to intimidate another person.

There are various types of assault charges that someone can be accused of. Following The Canadian Criminal Code, the assault charges are classified as:

  • Simple Assault
  • Assault with a weapon and assault causing bodily harm
  • Aggravated assault
  • Assaulting a peace officer
  • Assaulting a peace officer with a weapon or causing bodily harm
  • Aggravated assault of peace office

All these types of assault charges meant a violation of another person’s rights, and because of that, generally are considered pretty aggressive and have legal and severe consequences.

For more information regarding the Criminal laws in Ontario and how Juzkiw law can help you,  can check our criminal law FAQ section

At Juzkiw Law Firm, we have the experience, and we are fighting to defend your rights. Schedule a free consultation or call us for more information on assault charges.

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